有时,谁对什么负责并不清楚. 本节的目的是 gather all of the miscellaneous responsibilities together, so that 你 have a quick 当你不确定的时候参考. 然而,要知道并不是所有的责任都是 included here, nor can 你 assume that just because something is listed as a responsibility 对于其他人,你不需要跟进. 最终的责任是制作 当然你毕业的谎言 你.
The responsibilities are outlined in roughly chronological order within each section.
你的首要职责是选择顾问和顾问委员会. 这 必须在第二学期结束前完成吗. 你的部门 chair or a 部门al 研究生 顾问 may serve as 你r 顾问 initially, but 你必须选择一个与你的研究兴趣密切匹配的导师. 如果这 happens to be the 部门 chair, 你 still must notify the Center for 研究生 研究.
After choosing 你r 顾问 and committee, 你 must fill out the appropriate 顾问y 委员会形式在Banweb. 未能在第二学期结束前提交此表格 semester may result a hold being placed on 你r account so that 你 cannot register.
Now that 你 have officially designated an 顾问y committee, 你 are responsible 召集委员会会议. 这应该每年至少做一次. 你的 第一次会议应该用来确定你的课程计划. 秘书长的报告 (博士)咨询委员会必须在每次会议上更新. 你必须带上这张表格 每次会议. 每次都使用相同的形式. 你可以在 在会议前到研究生研究中心. 一定要回报咨询委员会 会议结束后向研究生学习中心提交报告表.
虽然你们有顾问委员会 你 are responsible for making sure that 你 meet all of the requirements for graduation; 阅读你的节目目录. 你的委员会和学术顾问应该审查你的 progress towards 你r degree and inform 你 if they notice missing requirements; however, committee members are not at fault if they fail to notice a missing requirement. If 你 have any concerns, go to 你r academic 顾问; he or she is responsible for helping 满足要求. 您的课程计划将在您交回时被检查 the Center 研究生课程 to ensure 你r approved 程序 meets the degree requirements.
In addition to calling a meeting of 你r 顾问y committee at least once a year, 你 should submit a progress report to 你r academic 顾问 at the end of each semester. There is no standard form available for this, but check with 你r 顾问; some 部门s 要有表格. 至少,你的进度报告应该包括你学过的课程 taken; how 你 performed in each; and how 你 are progressing on 你r independent 研究、论文或论文. 这是一个适当的论坛来表达你的关切 对你的课程和研究方向有什么了解吗.
When it is finally time to begin work on 你r thesis or dissertation, 你 must have
选择主题. 研究课题应在导师的专业领域内.
The 学生 is responsible for seeing that all forms related to his or her progress
are completed, correct and submitted to the 研究生研究中心 in a timely
如果你想(或需要)改变你的学生身份, 你 是谁负责启动这个过程. 例如,你是否应该被停职 as a regular 研究生 学生, 你 must take the initiative to apply for admission as a Special 研究生 学生, if 你 wish to attempt readmission to 你r 研究生 程序. 更改身份的申请应提交给研究生中心 作为备忘录的研究. 该请求必须得到你的学术顾问和学校的认可 部门.
你的 academic 顾问 is responsible for assisting 你 in the identification and completion of 你r degree requirements, for indicating approval of 你r registration and the successful completion of degree requirements, and (except where there is a separate 研究顾问)指导你的研究. 你与导师的关系 应该是相互的专业尊重和礼貌吗.
在大多数情况下,你的学术和研究顾问将是同一个人. 应该 你r 研究生 research project be funded or directed by someone who is not a regular faculty member, that person may act as 你r research 顾问, but not as 你r academic 顾问. 研究顾问对你的研究项目有日常控制 是事业. 该顾问的主要责任是在学习期间指导您 准备你的报告(独立学习,论文或论文). 研究 顾问 indicates approval of 你r thesis or dissertation on the approval page, which 附在文件上. 之间的密切沟通是至关重要的 学术顾问和研究顾问.
你的 顾问y committee is responsible for: assessing and approving courses appropriate to 你r 程序 of study; approving 你r thesis or dissertation topic; participating in the defense of 你r thesis or dissertation if that is 你r option; and accepting 完成前的独立学习论文、论文或论文. 你可能会说 on behalf of 你r interests regarding required classes, but 毕业前, the 顾问y committee must be convinced that 你 have a firm understanding of 你r field. If 你 are engaged in doctoral studies, 你r 顾问y committee is also responsible 参加候选资格考试. 咨询委员会不对你的进步负责.
The chair of 你r 部门 is an ex officio member of 你r 顾问y committee, and as such must approve of all decisions made by the 顾问y committee even if he or 她不参加会议. 具体来说,你的系主任必须同意 你 have completed all the 部门 requirements and sign a form agreeing to this 毕业前.
Responsibility for monitoring the progress of all 研究生 学生s falls to the Dean 研究生课程. 研究生院院长会审查学生的成绩和表现 在每学期结束时发给所有研究生. 研究生院院长 is also responsible for advising special 研究生 学生s or assigning another person 担任某一特殊研究生的指导老师.
研究生院院长 is responsible for reviewing and passing on all 研究生 petitions, and for investigating and intervening, where appropriate, in serious problems 研究生和导师之间可能会发生什么.
研究生院院长 also has final responsibility for all theses and dissertations. After 你r 顾问y committee and 部门 chair have accepted 你r work, the Dean 研究生课程 must also accept the thesis or dissertation in order for 你 to 研究生.
The 研究生研究中心 is responsible for keeping records on each 研究生 学生. 办公室保留了你的进度报告和表格的副本. They are not responsible for making sure the information on these forms is correct; 你 must ensure that 你r proposed course 程序 meets the requirements of 你r 研究生 学位课程.
The 研究生研究中心 is responsible for checking on the registration of 那些有助学金的研究生. 他们会在一周内完成 截止注册. 通常,研究生研究中心会通知任何 有可能失去助学金的学生. 如果您注册不当,e.g., if 你 drop or withdraw for a course so that 你 are not properly registered for enough credits 你r contract will be terminated and 你 will receive an academic warning.
If 你 are dissatisfied with a decision made at any 水平, 你 may appeal to the next 更高的水平. 上诉程序从学术顾问到委员会, 系主任,研究生院院长,然后是研究生委员会. 之后 appeals may be directed to the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. 你 must exhaust 你r appeal options at each lower 水平 before 你 carry it to the next 水平.